Capture Feedback In The Moment With Our New In-Web And In-App Surveys

We’re so excited to announce the launch of in-app and in-web surveys! Also known as microsurveys, they offer a short, targeted and timely way to collect customer feedback right inside your website or app. 

With lots of use cases and instant, actionable data, we can’t wait to see how microsurveys will get you even better results. But first, let’s dive in and learn more about this powerful feedback tool. Here we go!

In-Web And In-App Surveys vs “Traditional” Surveys

Traditional surveys are multi-question or multi-page and are often sent to the customer via email. These types of surveys still hold tremendous value, providing deep insights that are key to any Voice of the Customer program. 

But there are some instances where bigger isn’t necessarily better. Microsurveys are the perfect complement to traditional surveys, targeting the here and now of specific customer scenarios.

What Makes In-Web And In-App Surveys Different?

Microsurveys ask just one core question (with an optional conditional question), making them quick and easy to complete. By reducing the number of steps the customer needs to take, microsurveys reduce friction

As they appear right on the screen, they also eliminate the need to leave the website or app to give feedback. This results in a higher response rate and even more valuable data for your business. 

Microsurveys allow you to ask the right questions at the right time with customisable triggers. Your microsurvey could appear on a certain page, like a booking confirmation. Or it could pop up when a customer clicks a specific button, for example after hitting ‘Send’ on a message. This helps capture feedback when the topic is still fresh in the customer’s mind (which will again make them more likely to respond!)

How To Use In-Web And In-App Surveys

In-web and in-app surveys can be used for many different question types depending on your business goals. This includes:

  • Numerical ratings (for metrics like NPS, CSAT and CES)
  • Star ratings (e.g. to share opinions on the quality of an article)
  • Free text fields (e.g. to provide suggestions about a product)
  • Multiple choice (e.g. to give a reason for cancellation)

Let’s take a look at a few ways microsurveys can be used in practice. 

Improve A Process

In a bid to increase revenue, a hotel is looking to optimise its booking process. To do this, they collect opinions using one simple question that appears when a user has completed a booking.

In general, customers want to use the least amount of effort to complete a task or solve a problem!

This Customer Effort Score (CES) question offers a simple way to learn how easy the user found the booking process. Depending on the score given, the in-web survey could also include a follow-up, free text question, like:

  • Awesome! Anything else we can do to improve?
  • Thank you! How can we make the booking process easier?

Understand Customer Churn

A car dealership wants to know why some customers cancel their maintenance plan so they can improve their offer. To do this, they ask a single, multiple-choice question to users of their app when they have completed a cancellation.

Customer exit surveys help you gain valuable insights into how well you are meeting customers’ needs.

The car dealership can then analyse the responses for trends to steer the direction of their service. For example, if most respondents answered ‘It was too expensive’, the dealership may consider lowering the monthly cost or introducing an additional service into the plan.

Measure Customer Loyalty

A company wants to identify their most loyal customers and convert them into brand ambassadors. A single Net Promoter Score (NPS) question gives them the ideal solution.

NPS is a simple and effective indicator of brand loyalty.

Again, the company could ask a follow-up question that changes depending on the score given. Run continuously, this microsurvey will also allow them to track changes in overall customer loyalty.

Sounds Great! How Do I Get Started With In-Web And In-App Surveys?

Simply schedule a call with your Customer Success Manager who will answer your questions and help you get set up! Alternatively, if you are not yet working with Customer Alliance but would like to find out more, you can schedule a free, no-obligation demo with us by clicking the button below.

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Capture Feedback In The Moment With Our New In-Web And In-App Surveys

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