
We asked 10 top hosts how to increase Airbnb bookings. Here are their no.1 tips.

At the time of writing, there are more than 7.7 million active listings on Airbnb. That’s more than the number of annual visitors to New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art. Or the population of Laos.

With as many hosts as there are people in a small country, standing out in the Airbnb market can feel impossible. We tracked down the hosts of some of the most popular listings to learn their best tips for booked-out calendars.

1. Create a memorable experience

Just like in any hotel, in Airbnb the guest experience is everything. Paying attention to the little things improves the guests’ stay and increases the likelihood of them returning or recommending your place to friends and family.

Cyndi and Tom are the hosts of Luxury Cabin on the Santiam River, an impressive accommodation in the top 1% of listings on Airbnb. They say:

“Our #1 tip is to WOW, your guests. The minute they walk into your space you want them to say “WOW!”. Offer something they don’t see anywhere else and they want to come back.”

Their cabin has special touches like a luxurious two-person bathtub, heated blankets to take out on the deck, and a fully stocked coffee bar. They even have a designated spot to leave dirty dishes so they can take care of them for you.

Riccardo, host of Large apartment in Campo Sant’Angelo, takes a similar approach by thinking about what he appreciates in his own living space. He says:

“We treat the apartment like our home. We put flowers out sometimes because we like it, not because we have to. Those are little touches that guests truly appreciate, as well as the welcome kit we provide with free wine.”

As these hosts prove, creating a great guest experience doesn’t have to be complicated or costly. It’s about adding thoughtful, personal touches that make guests feel pampered.

2. Anticipate your guests’ needs

Alongside thoughtful amenities, part of creating a stand-out guest experience is delivering what they want  – before they even realise they want it. Stan, host of Serenity Creek Treehouse (another listing in the top 1%), sums it up simply:

“Build your reputation by the old saying – under promise and over deliver.”

When people book Airbnb, they don’t necessarily expect a 5-star service. By making sure your guests’ stay is as stress-free as possible, you can instantly surpass their expectations and make their experience as memorable as a high-end hotel. Riccardo embodies this approach in his hosting style. He says:

“I’m always in touch to simplify the life of a traveller, for example booking them a taxi or giving them directions before the guest even asks me for the information they need.”

This kind of proactive communication and attention to detail helps their trip run smoothly, allowing them to focus on enjoying their time. It’s small, thoughtful gestures that can make a significant difference in how guests experience your space.

Doug, host of Netherwood, also emphasises the importance of anticipating guests’ needs. He shares:

“Our guests consistently tell us that we ‘have thought of everything’ in how we’ve set up our guest house and the amenities we provide.”

Doug’s approach highlights the value of careful preparation and attention to detail. By thinking ahead about what guests might need during their stay, whether it’s extra toiletries or a well-stocked kitchen, you can help ensure your guests feel comfortable and well-cared-for.

3. Prioritise getting good reviews

A description and photos can only do so much. Reading experiences from real guests helps others determine whether the Airbnb lives up to to expectations and whether it’s worth booking.  As Harry, host of The Crow’s Nest says:

“To ensure bookings remain high on Airbnb you have to recognise that you are part of a community of guests and hosts and that ensuring you get good reviews is paramount. Be generous when offering compensation for any issues experienced by guests. Such gestures foster good will and will serve you well going forward.”

Even when the guest doesn’t experience any problems, the way you approach your guest interactions plays a major role in getting good reviews. As Doug highlights:

“I believe that our preparation for guests, as well as our communication with guests, are significant parts of the reason we receive such positive reviews, which in turn shows potential new guests that our place is a great option for staying in our area.”

Prioritising good reviews means focusing on the details that matter most to guests. By excelling in these areas, engaging personally when possible, and handling issues with generosity and care, you enhance the guest experience and build a strong reputation that attracts future bookings.

💡 Customer Alliance automatically collects reviews from Airbnb into our Review Stream. So if you also host your property on sites like Google and, there’s no need to log in to each platform individually. Instead, get all your reviews in one place.

4. Invest in your property photos

With hundreds of other options just a few clicks away, a great first impression is essential to stand out from the crowd. As Kate, host of The Hazel Hide explains:

“Without a doubt, my number 1 tip is excellent photos. Not only do they showcase your property fully and sell the experience, they also show guests you care about presentation.”

Kam, host of the Glass Walled Penthouse, shared that good photos can even impact where you show up in search results:

“My number tip is to have professional photos as it boosts bookings by 30%. Airbnb algorithm can now differentiate high-quality photos which helps your listing rank higher.”

He advises taking advantage of Airbnb’s Pro Photo Program, where Airbnb connect you with a local photographer who will showcase your property at its best.

In addition to professional photography, it’s important to consider the details that make your photos stand out. Make sure your space is well-lit, clean, and staged with inviting touches like fresh flowers or neatly arranged furniture. 

Capture your property from multiple angles to give potential guests a complete view of what they can expect. If your listing has unique features, like a stunning view or a cosy reading nook, be sure to highlight them.

Investing in high-quality photos is not just about getting people to click on your listing—it’s about conveying the experience they can expect during their stay. Clear, well-composed images build trust and set the right expectations, making it more likely that guests will choose your property over others.

5. Build strong relationships

At its core, Airbnb is designed for travellers seeking a more personal and homely experience compared to traditional hotels. For Laura, host of Hodder Bridge Court, a big part of this is the way she interacts with her guests. Laura says:

“I think the number one key to increase bookings is to ideally meet the guest in person. Also going over and above communications-wise with local attractions, restaurants, transport etc…anything to make the guests feel stress and worry free.”

By meeting guests in person, Laura establishes a personal connection that can make guests feel more welcomed and valued. Even if meeting in person isn’t always feasible, extending this personal touch through detailed and proactive communication can have a big impact. 

Providing guests with insider tips about local attractions, dining options, and transportation can enhance their stay and demonstrate that you care about their experience beyond just providing a place to sleep.

Jenn, host of the King Suite, echoes this sentiment with a focus on the relational aspect of hosting:

“Our number one tip for increasing bookings would be to treat your guests like friends and family, instead of treating them like a business transaction. Our guests really notice that we go above and beyond to make sure they’re comfortable.”

Final thoughts

It’s clear that there’s no one solution to increasing Airbnb bookings—rather, it’s about creating a special experience from the moment a guest lands on your listing until after they check-out.

Start by focusing on the basics: high-quality photos, clear communication, and thoughtful touches that reflect your personal style. As you implement these tips, you’ll begin to see the impact on your bookings and guest satisfaction.

A special thanks to the hosts who generously shared their insights for this article!