Customer Data & Restaurants: Collect Digitally and Increase Engagement

Dear Restaurant Owners, we’re thrilled to see your businesses reopening. (If we’re honest, we’re also tired of doing so many dishes.) The world looks different amidst COVID-19. Now restaurants are required to get customer data in case of an onsite COVID-19 outbreak.

Collecting your guests’ information doesn’t have to be an excessive headache in figuring out how to follow regulations, safely asking for and securely storing guests’ personal data. Learn how to utilise customer data collection software to do all of this with ease. Additionally, you can increase customer engagement.

Go digital: Simplify getting customer data

Some restaurant owners have taken creative measures against COVID-19 such as putting life size cardboard cutouts of humans where diners aren’t allowed to sit. Yet we all know that we can’t be creative when it comes to governmental requirements. Ensure your business is correctly handling customer data.

We suggest that restaurants digitally collect customer data utilising a certified software, such as Customer Alliance.

Benefits of collecting customer data via software:

  • Digital customer data collection: No need to touch potentially-infected pens or print papers.
  • GDPR compliance: You’ll have the option for customer data to be deleted automatically or to manually anonymise the data. Additionally, unauthorised individuals won’t have access to the data as data protection is a top priority for us.
  • Minimal manual work: Forget storing physical spreadsheets of data for 30 days and then having to shred them. Let software do the work.

What are digital methods of collecting customer data?

Collecting and submitting customer data with our software is easy.

QR Codes: With more restaurants utilising QR codes to share menus and contact forms, most guests will be familiar with how to use them. Simply create a QR code, print it and place it on all your tables. Guests just need to scan the code to view and fill out the contact form.

If guests have their phone’s scanner enabled, guests will be sent directly to your business’ contact form after pointing their phone’s camera at the QR code for several seconds. Alternatively, guests can use a scanner app to read the QR code.

WiFi Login Page: With the startup page of your restaurant’s free WiFi, diners can connect to your contact form.

Tablets: You can also provide customers with a digital tablet which will direct them to the customer data form to fill out. Note: This method isn’t as safe as the other two as you must disinfect the tablet after each customer uses it.

After collecting the customer data, you won’t need to worry about it. Our software centrally stores the data and automatically deletes it per the GDPR timeframe.

This will give you more time to focus on your customers and their dining experience.

Drive customer engagement while getting guest info

Lastly, there’s one more major reason to opt for collecting customer data digitally. Promote your restaurant.

99% of consumers check their email every single day. Why not take advantage of this? When guests fill out your contact form, our software gives you the option to put an opt-in checkbox for guests. You can utilise this opt-in box for customers to subscribe to your restaurant’s newsletters or company emails.

This is your chance to build a customer loyalty program.

For example, use your newsletter as an opportunity to bring customers back to your restaurant. Tell them about upcoming menu changes, offer coupons, discuss your involvement in the community. Customer engagement is an effective way to connect to your diners and increase customer loyalty.

And don’t forget to grab customer reviews about your restaurant to boost your online visibility.

On top of this, we recommend sending questionnaires to learn more about their preferences. Invest in customer relationship management strategy using a Voice of the Customer program to analyse this customer data. By doing so, you can ensure you’re giving your customers what they really want.

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Customer Data & Restaurants: Collect Digitally and Increase Engagement

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